Virtual VIP Day With Suzannah

Book a virtual VIP day with me and create a massive impact in your life and business.

Get personalised support for your limiting beliefs, blocks and issues.

The best thing about a VIP day is you get to choose what you want to work on...

  • Want me to help you strategize in your business? No problem...
  • Want to shift your mindset about an issue where you're stuck? Yup, we can do that...
  • Want to spend the whole day deep-diving on money mindset and wound healing? That is totally my jam...
  • Want to do some intensive EFT Tapping on traumatic events/memories which you know need a lot of work? I'm here for you...
  • Want me to cast my eye over your business to help you discover what's working and what's not? Yass queen, I love helping my fellow biz beauts...
  • Want to do a combi of all the above? Sounds spicy! That's completely fine with me...

This is YOUR day. I will be of service to you for the whole time. If you don't know what you need or want, that's fine too! We'll talk about that in the intro call and I'll help you prioritize what's going to get you the best results.

How I can help you

I've been in business since 2008 and have experience in many different aspects of online business, such as direct sales, eCommerce, email marketing, blogging and social media marketing.

In addition to this I am a certified Life Purpose Coach, EFT Tapping Practitioner and Belief Clearing Practitioner. 

I've done various courses around mental health, trauma, mindfulness and meditation. 

My life experience is varied and I've overcome many challenges (complex PTSD as a result of childhood trauma, debt, infertility, miscarriage and living in poverty to name a few) so I have a great deal of empathy and understanding.

I'm a gentle, nurturing coach...but I'm not afraid to call you out on your BS if needs must!

I will empower you to release your blocks, find solutions to problems, set goals, earn more...LIVE more! And the best bit is you get to do it with me holding your hand and guiding you through.

Your VIP day deets...

  • This is a virtual VIP day, which means you can attend from the comfort of your own home*
  • There will be a 15-30 minute introductory call where we'll talk about what's presenting for you and plan our gorgeous day together
  • The VIP day itself will run from 10am-12pm GMT, with an hour break for lunch, then 1pm - 3pm GMT. There will be 10 minute breaks on the hour.
  • Included are 7 days WhatsApp or Voxer support after the VIP day where you can ask me anything (replies will be between 9am-5pm GMT)
  • I'll provide full notes from the day for you to review, along with a plan of action
  • The session will also be recorded, so you can watch it back anytime (this is particularly helpful for the tapping)

What happens after you apply?

I'll be in touch via email within 48 hours to provide you with a booking link to my online diary.


I'm here to help - drop me an email

* If you are in the UK and would like to have your VIP day in person (in Exeter, Devon), get in touch.

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